Welcome to the Canada Southern Railway - Reliving history in 1:87 scale
The Modules
Catfish Creek - Built by Pierre Oliver - now in the possession of Ben Kalika
Super Elevated curve - Built by Laura Spring now in the possession of Dylan Harris
E&O Crossing - Built by John & Laura Spring now in the possession of Ben Kalika
Kettle Creek Bridge - Dylan Harris
LaSalette - Built by Tim Warris - has been dismantled
LaSalette East - Built by John Mellow - has been dismantled
Shedden - Terry Link
Waterford - Built by Mark Hill now in the possession of Steve Bratina
Waterford Track Pans - Built by Dave Higgott now in the possession of Steve Bratina
Windham - Built by Rich Chrysler now in the possession of Steve Bratina
Wussy - Built by Trevor Marshall
Yarmouth crossing - Built by Pierre Oliver now in the possession of Ben Kalika
End loops - Built by Pierre Oliver & Dylan Harris